Why the moon may affect your mood
The correlation between the moon and human behaviour is a long-standing ancient belief known as the lunar effect, which has been followed and practised for over thousands of years.
The lunar effect is defined as a correlation between the lunar cycle (approx. 29.5 days) and behaviour/psychological changes in human beings, animals and the planet.
However, this theory doesn’t provide a great deal of scientific evidence to state its claims, therefore modern science and medicine has greatly rejected this idea.
Nonetheless, new research has surfaced suggesting some truth behind this ancient theory!
So let’s dive in and explore what we know today based on research and personal experiences.
It’s believed that people show erratic behaviour during a full moon, according to a publication on the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Which provided extensive data on human behaviour.
AccuWeather states, “lunar astronomy accurately indicated that the repression of the moon’s gravitational influence brings about social tension, disharmony and bizarre results.” — based on the data mentioned above.
The moon’s gravitational pull also has a significant impact on our planet, as it is what creates tides in our waters that vary in strength depending on the moon cycle, and during a full moon tides are at their strongest pull.
Could it be a coincidence that our emotions begin to heighten leading up to a full moon, just as tides begin to strengthen?
Well, here’s some food for thought: human beings are made up of around 60% water, if the moon cycle can greatly impact the water, why wouldn’t it be affecting us too?
Now that doesn’t seem as far fetched after all, does it!
Multiple studies including a recent study published by the American Journal of Criminal Justice suggests there may be a link to higher outdoor criminal activity during a full moon. It was stated that as “moon illumination rose, so did criminal activity.”
Could this be due to the intense energy of the moon taking affect on our behaviours, just as it strengthens the tides?
Or is it simply that criminals prefer more light when partaking illegal activity?
Whichever answer you consider, it’s always important question why!
Asking “why” is truly the most simple and effective way to learn.
The moons potential power doesn’t stop there, in addition to its impact on our behaviour and the planet, the moon cycle may also have some effect on our sleep.
According to Psychiatrist David Avery, “there seemed to be high tides occurring during the night when the sleep duration was short,” when treating a patient with a highly erratic sleeping pattern, veering from near total insomnia to getting 12 hours per night. Although Avery didn’t have any mechanisms to explain this coincidence, it appeared this patient was insync with the moon cycle and it took an immense effect on the swing of his emotions and duration of sleep.
Serena Poon, Reiki master and practitioner, tells Bustle — “the moon may or may not make some of us crazy and behave erratically in an inexplicable way, but it can affect sleep.”
A 2013 study which was published in the Current Biology journal found that during a full moon participants suffered from a lower quality of sleep and experienced a shorter duration of sleep with more disturbances overall, in comparison to a new moon.
Traditionally speaking, the moon has been long associated with the divine feminine, intuition and deep psyche. The moon is viewed as a femine planet, which astrologically connects us to the emotional body ie; feeling joy and fulfillment. This could be a reason as to why it plays a specific role on our emotions and behaviour, especially towards a full moon.
“Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. Then your love would also change.”
— William Shakespeare
Is it possible that this many “coincidences” take place during a full moon dating all the way back to ancient history?
In my opinion, the short answer is no, there can only be so many “coincidences.”
I think we need to open our eyes to the bigger picture and remember that we are all connected to each other and the planet(s) despite what solid evidence is available today.
Not only that, but I have also personally experienced this lunar affect more times than I can count! And strangely enough, every time I assume it’s a full moon (based on feelings/behaviours of myself or others).. It always ends up being one!
However you choose to look at it is totally up to you! Maybe you’re a feelings based believer, or maybe you’re a facts based believer. The truth is, we are only just beginning to understand the full effect of the moon cycle on human behaviour!
Thanks to a combination of ancient history and modern research we are gaining new answers in hopes to solidify this theory.